国际学生在线教育学习指南 | Online course guide






01. 研究生


根据我校疫情防控期间研究生教育教学工作安排, 本学期注册采用线上注册方式, 具体安排如下,所有在读国际学生研究生(含延期研究生、本学期申请复学研究生)必须按规定完成上注册。

注册时间: 2278:00—3116:00

注册方法:若在校内注册,请直接登录我校研究生管理信息系统 http://graduate.shnu.edu.cn/oauthLogin/shsfdx,进入“个人管理-学期报到注册”提交注册。若在校外注册,请先连接 VPN后再登录研究生管理信息系统,或找校内同学帮忙完成注册。






02. 本科生


为满足课程及教学的多样化需求,教务处引入多个线上教学平台,各平台操作手册与视频已上传至教务处网站,如图 2,持续更新,敬请关注。


03. 预科生和对外汉语学院本科老生


04. 对外汉语学院语言生以及本科新生





I. Important Notice

In light of the new coronavirus pandemic prevention and control, the school resumption day has been postponed. You will be notified of the exact date once it is confirmed. All students (including new comers and current students) must not return to the university or to Shanghai in advance. In as much as the school’s resumption date has been postponed, studies shouldn’t be delayed. In order to ensure that students are enriching themselves knowledge-wise during this period, we would like to introduce some guidelines for online classes.

II. Online course guide

01. Postgraduate students

The online lectures for postgraduate students will be carried out in synchronization with Chinese students in accordance with the school's deployment, and will begin on March 2. If you are not in China, please do not worry. Your college will consider the problem of time difference and Internet connectivity and take corresponding measures. Please contact your headteacher or counselor of your college to get the specific operation methods.

According to the arrangement of postgraduate education and teaching during the epidemic prevention and control of our school, online registration is adopted for this semester.The specific arrangements are as follows. All postgraduate international students (including deferred postgraduate students and postgraduate students who apply for resumption this semester) must complete registration in accordance with regulations.

Registration time: 8:00 February 27th to 16:00 March 1st.

Registration method: If you are registering on campus, please log in to our university's postgraduate management information system http://graduate.shnu.edu.cn/oauthLogin/shsfdx directly, enter "personal management-semester registration" to submit registration. If you are registering off-campus, please connect to the VPN before logging on to the Graduate Management Information System, or ask your classmates who live on campus to help you complete the registration.


VPN User Guide




02. Undergraduate students

The online lectures for undergraduate students will be carried out in synchronization with Chinese students in accordance with the school's deployment, and will begin on March 2. The undergraduate teaching operation will be implemented in four stages: (1) online teaching preparation; (2) before the teacher and student return to school, the online teaching operation stage; (3) before and after the teacher and student return to school, the online and offline teaching Preparation for connection; (4) After returning to school, teachers and students resume normal teaching and make up for various tasks. The work schedule is shown in Figure 1 below

In order to meet the diversified needs of courses and teaching, the Academic Affairs Office has introduced multiple online teaching platforms. The operation manuals and videos of each platform have been uploaded to the website of the Academic Affairs Office, as shown in Figure 2. It is continuously updated, so stay tuned.


03. Current preparatory students(SISP) and undergraduate students at ICCS

Current preparatory students(SISP) and undergraduate students at the International College of Chinese Studies will start online classes on March 9 (All students should pay attention to the class WeChat group in time, the specific teaching arrangements and implementation plan for online studies for international students will be announced in the group).

04. Language students and new undergraduate students at ICCS

Language students and new undergraduate students at International College of Chinese Studies will not implement online classes for the time being, and study will be conducted after the official opening of the academic journal. Students will be notified of the spring semester schedule after the school resumption date is confirmed.

Please pay attention to the information released by the International Student Office in time, and keep close contact with your headteacher and counselor. Students will be notified of the spring semester schedule after the school resumption date is determined.  

International Students Office

International Affairs Office

Shanghai Normal University
