Application Guideline for Pre-admission Letter Application at SHNU


To whom we issue
Candidates who want to apply for Chinese Government Scholarship through Chinese Scholarship Committee are welcome to contact us for the SHNU Pre-admission Letter to complete their application procedures. 


Things you need to know

(1) Log on to the official online application website of CSC (, complete the online application procedure, submit the application form online, and print out a PDF copy of application form. Please choose Shanghai Normal University as the application Institution. Please consult with the Chinese Embassy in your country directly.


(2) Pre-admission notice will ensure that you will be assigned by CSC to Shanghai Normal University rather than other institutions.    


How to get

Step 1  If you need pre-admission notice, please visit our university’s International Student Admissions System website ( to submit all the documents and complete the online application.


Only applications paid online or with uploaded proof of paid application fee will be regarded as valid. Scan the QR code below to get the bank account information of our university.



Step 2  Email the application form for Chinese Government Scholarship Program through CSC official website ( and your application code at SHNU International Student Application System ( to Pre-admission notice will be sent after evaluation. For the eligible applicants, we will issue the SHNU Pre-admission Letter within 7 office days for non-degree programs and within 14 office days for degree programs upon receiving the documents. 


If any questions about how to apply Chinese Government Scholarship through CSCplease contact the Chinese Embassy in your country.


CSC Official Website: