2025年上海师范大学国际学生“中国政府奖学金”高水平研究生项目招生简章Application Guideline for Chinese Government Scholarship (High-level Graduate Student Program) at SHNU 2025



















雅思6.0或托福iBT 80分或以上






6. 未同时享受中国各级政府和院校设立的其他奖学金(不含各类一次性奖励金)的资助。如有此情况,一经发现,其中国政府奖学金资格将予以取消,并须退还已领取的中国政府奖学金。对于刻意隐瞒资助情况的,除取消资格外,三年内不允许申请中国政府奖学金。









   扫描下载硕士招生目录        扫描下载博士招生目录







在我校国际学生入学申请系统网站进行在线申请 https://apply.shnu.edu.cn/ 








1. 在中国政府奖学金申请网站http://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn/#/register下载的中国政府奖学金申请表电子版。 


2. 经公证的最高学历证明、毕业证书或学位证书的复印件。(不是中文或英文的,需提供经过公证的中文或英文的翻译件)。应届毕业生申请时请提供预计毕业证明(预计取得学位证明时间应早于20258月31日),注册入学时,须核验毕业证书和学位证书原件并补交复印件。


3. 经过公证的完整的本科、硕士阶段学习成绩单。成绩单应包括自本科起各学习阶段,直至最近一学期的成绩。成绩单应由就读学校教务处、研究生院或有关学生管理部门开局并盖章。(不是中文或英文的,需提供经过公证的中文或英文的翻译件)


4. 两封相关专业的教授或副教授推荐信(中文或英文,需有教授所在单位盖章及教授本人签字和相关联系方式)。内容应重点包含对申请人来华学习目标要求,中方院校或者中方导师与国外导师的合作情况或者校际交流情况,以及对学生综合能力,未来发展的评价。


5. 来华学习计划(只可以用文或英文书写,不少于1000字)


6. 语言能力证明材料。申请以中文为专业教学语言的申请人须提供有效期内且与相应中文水平要求相符的HSK成绩报告。申请以外语为专业教学语言的申请人应提供相应的语言能力证明。


7. 个人美术或音乐作品(如申请艺术类专业)。




9. 不能在线支付的需上传520元人民币或80美元报名费交纳凭证。


10. 有效普通护照复印件。护照有效期应晚于2025年9月,如现持有护照有效期不符合要求,请及时换发新护照。)


11.  无犯罪记录证明。申请人须提交由所在地公安机关出具的有效期内的无犯罪记录证明,通常应为提交申请之日前6个月以内的证明文件。











注:只需在截止日期前完成两项网上申请流程,无需邮寄纸质材料, 但来华注册报到时,需核验原件并补交复印件。如有问题,欢迎电话或邮件联系我办,详见联系方式。




1、 本年度中国政府奖学金高水平研究生项目采取“个人申请、院校推荐、专家评审、择优录取”的原则,学校根据申请材料及考察遴选后择优推荐最终录取结果以国家留学基金委专家评审结果为准。


2、 入学具体时间以经国家留学基金委核准后正式发放的录取通知书》为准。被录取的学生须严格按照学校规定的时间来校报到,办理注册手续。超过规定入学时间未办理注册手续者,将取消其入学资格。










3、 享受来华留学生综合医疗保险待遇;





地址: 上海师范大学国际交流处国际学生中心

电话: 86-21-64323905

电子邮件: samli@staff.shnu.edu.cn

Application Guideline for Chinese Government Scholarship (High-level Graduate Student Program) at SHNU 2025


◆◆Conditions of application◆◆


1) Non-Chinese nationality, in good health.


2) Excellent academic achievements, good academic development potential.


3) Available only for Master and Ph.D programs.


4) In principle, Applicants for master should not be over 35 years old. Applicants for Ph.D. should not be over 40 years old.


5) Language proficiency requirements 

Programs offered in Chinese: (Certificates should be obtained within two years)

Master degree: New HSK 5 level (scored 210 or above, with a sub score no less than 70 each.)

Ph.D. degree: New HSK 6 level (scored 180 or above, with a sub score no less than 60 each.) 

Programs offered in English: 

English proficiency : IELTS 6.0/TOEFL iBT 80 or above



1.Applicants who have obtained a bachelor or master degree in Chinese language major and with a thesis written in Chinese in a Chinese university are exempted from the HSK certificate.
2.  If the Chinese language proficiency does not meet the requirements to be enrolled for the program,  applicants are allowed to apply for one-year intensive Chinese language program before the professional study. But the following requirements must be met: applicants must have reached HSK level 4 (scored above 180 points). After having passed the entrance exam at the end of the year, students can start the major study. (Priority will be given to students who already met the Chinese proficiency requirement.)


6) Students who have been granted other Chinese scholarships or funding 2025-2026 are not eligible for this scholarship.  If a student was found to have the Chinese Government Scholarship and another Chinese scholarship at the same time, his/her Chinese Government Scholarship would be canceled immediately, and he/she would be required to return the scholarship that he/she had received before. Those who deliberately concealed the truth would not be permitted to apply for the Chinese Government Scholarship again within 3 years.



◆◆Enrollment major◆◆

The Chinese Government Scholarship (High-level Graduate Student Program) funds are only for applicants for Master and Ph.D. programs at Shanghai Normal University. For full list of majors, please scan the following code.





Click here or scan for Master Programs        Click here or scan for Ph.D. Programs   


◆◆Application procedure◆◆



Fill in Application form for Chinese Government Scholarship online http://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn/#/register (Type: B, organization code: 10270)


Apply on the website of the International Student admission system of our University (https://apply.shnu.edu.cn/). The registration fee must be paid as required. Only applications paid online or with uploaded proof of paid application fee will be regarded as valid. 

Click here or scan to download the bank info.



Please confirm that you already completed the two online applications, and upload all the following materials before March 10th, 2025 on the website of the international student admission system of SHNU (please refer to the materials list below):


1) Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship (download from the CSC website: http://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn/#/register after online application)

2) A notarized copy of the highest academic certificate, diploma or degree certificate. (If not in Chinese or English, a notarized translation in Chinese or English is required). Graduating students should provide a certificate of impending graduation with the estimated graduation time on it from their current academic institution. In this case, the degree certificate must be submitted before August 31, 2025.

3) Notarized and complete transcripts from undergraduate period to the latest semester stamped by the academic office, graduate student office or other authorized office of the university. (If not in Chinese or English, a notarized translations in Chinese or English is required ). 

4) Two letters of recommendation from professors or associate professors of relevant majors (in Chinese or English, with the seal of the professor's unit, signature and related contact information). Letters should include the academic goal the applicant, facts of the cooperation or exchange with universities abroad and the evaluation on the comprehensive and potential abilities of the applicant.

5) A study plan in China. (in Chinese or English, no less than 1000 words)

6) Language proficiency test materials (Applicants of programs offered in Chinese should submit HSK certificate; applicants of programs offered in English should submit relevant English proficiency certificate. )

7) Personal works of art or music (Applicants for art majors).

8) Foreign Physical Examination Record and blood test report with medical examination form. Applicants should conduct the medical check according to the items listed in the “Foreign Physical Examination Record”. The Record over 6 months, or without photo, or without seal on both the photo and the document, or without signature of the doctor or stamp of the hospital, is regarded invalid.

9) Application fee CNY520 or US$80 payment voucher.

10) Photocopy of valid passport. Please renew your passport if the expiration date is earlier than September 2025.

11) Notarial Certificate of Non-criminal Punishment. Applicants should submit the non-criminal punishment certificate issued by the local public security bureau within 6 months.

NOTEIf application materials are incomplete, application shall be deemed to be waived. Please be sure the documents uploaded are clear and true. If the documents are obscure to recognize, the application will not be regarded valid.


According to the admission requirements of different majors, there may be an entrance examination (written examination, interview or online examination), time and venue will be communicated later. Please check emails regularly.


◆◆Application time◆◆


Deadline of application: March 10th, 2025

NOTEMake sure to complete online application on CSC website and our university' s website. Paper documents don’t need to be delivered but to be submitted upon registration. Just feel free to contact us. See Contact part as following.


◆◆Admission and enrollment◆◆


1. According to the updated rule of “Application, Recommendation, Evaluation and Enrollment ”, the university will recommend the qualified applicants to CSC by reviewing the application materials or examinations. The final results will be decided by the experts committee of CSC.

2.  Admitted students should register in accordance with the time specified in the admission notice. Students who fail to register at the prescribed period of time will be disqualified.


◆◆Scholarship Coverage◆◆


1. Tuition and on-campus accommodation fees are waived.  

The university will make overall arrangements for accommodation and provide free dormitories (double rooms) for students. Those who choose to live off campus can apply to the university for accommodation subsidies, which will be issued monthly. (Ph.D. program: CNY1000/monthMaster program: CNY700/month)
2.  Monthly living expenses are provided. (Ph.D. program: CNY3500/month; Master program: CNY3000/month)

3.  Comprehensive medical insurance is provided.
Note: Please refer to the website of the China Scholarship Council for details.http://www.campuschina.org/zh/content/details1003_122933.html




Address: International Student Center, Shanghai Normal University, No.100 Guilin Road, Shanghai, China, 200234

Tel: 86-21-64323905

Email: samli@staff.shnu.edu.cn